Hop Hare lilleküünlad sisaldavad lisaks erilistele kuivatatud lilledele ka maagilisi väekristalle ja lõhnavad imeliselt. Hop Hare küünlad omavad tõelist looduse jõudu. Küünlad on pakitud erilistesse pakenditesse, mille peal on igale küünla lõhnale iseloomulik kahe peatükiline muinasjutt. Lase selle küünla lõhnal end viia tõelisse muinasjutumaale. Küünal on valmistatud sojavahast, naturaalse puidust tahiga ja lõhna annavad eeterlikud õlid. Sojavahast küünal on keskkonnasõbralik ja põleb 30%-50% kauem kui parafiinküünal. Küünla klaasist ümbrist saab pärast küünla ära põlemist taaskasutada ja kristalle saab pärast puhastamist kasutada talismanidena.
The Devil -Chapter 1-
Once upon a time, a magical creature known as the Hop Hare roamed into the darker side of the mystical land. As it hopped along the ancient paths, a delightful fragrance filled the air, carrying the essence of sweet orange and patchouli.
The Hop Hare knew that such scents possessed the ability to unlock hidden virtues within individuals, evoking kindness and compassion. Curiosity piqued, the Hop Hare decided to follow the captivating aroma.
The fragrance led the Hop Hare to a clearing overgrown by patchouli, where an unexpected sight awaited. Standing before the Hop Hare was the Devil, known for his mischievous nature and dark powers. But this time, the Devil wore a contemplative expression, his eyes fixated on a single sweet orange suspended in mid-air. With each breath he took, the scent of sweet orange and patchouli enveloped him, casting a calming aura.