Hop Hare lilleküünlad sisaldavad lisaks erilistele kuivatatud lilledele ka maagilisi väekristalle ja lõhnavad imeliselt. Hop Hare küünlad omavad tõelist looduse jõudu. Küünlad on pakitud erilistesse pakenditesse, mille peal on igale küünla lõhnale iseloomulik kahe peatükiline muinasjutt. Lase selle küünla lõhnal end viia tõelisse muinasjutumaale. Küünal on valmistatud sojavahast, naturaalse puidust tahiga ja lõhna annavad eeterlikud õlid. Sojavahast küünal on keskkonnasõbralik ja põleb 30%-50% kauem kui parafiinküünal. Küünla klaasist ümbrist saab pärast küünla ära põlemist taaskasutada ja kristalle saab pärast puhastamist kasutada talismanidena.
The Sun -Chapter 1-
Once upon a time, in a land far away, the world was in chaos. The seasons were mixed up, the crops were failing, and the animals were confused. The Sun, who had always been the one to bring order and balance to the world, knew that something needed to be done. So, with a beam of sunlight and the scent of lemongrass, the Sun summoned the Hop Hare to help restore the balance to the world.
The Hop Hare was a magical creature known for its speed, agility, and ability to bring joy and happiness wherever it went. With a hop and a skip, the Hop Hare bounded across the land, leaving a trail of grapefruits in its wake. The scent of the grapefruit mixed with the lemongrass and the warmth of the Sun’s rays created a magical aroma that filled the air, bringing a sense of peace and calm to all who smelled it.
As the Hop Hare hopped along, it gathered creatures of all shapes and sizes to help in the mission to restore balance to the world. There were birds and bees, squirrels and rabbits, and some mischievous fairies who joined the quest.