Hop Hare lilleküünlad sisaldavad lisaks erilistele kuivatatud lilledele ka maagilisi väekristalle ja lõhnavad imeliselt. Hop Hare küünlad omavad tõelist looduse jõudu. Küünlad on pakitud erilistesse pakenditesse, mille peal on igale küünla lõhnale iseloomulik kahe peatükiline muinasjutt. Lase selle küünla lõhnal end viia tõelisse muinasjutumaale. Küünal on valmistatud sojavahast, naturaalse puidust tahiga ja lõhna annavad eeterlikud õlid. Sojavahast küünal on keskkonnasõbralik ja põleb 30%-50% kauem kui parafiinküünal. Küünla klaasist ümbrist saab pärast küünla ära põlemist taaskasutada ja kristalle saab pärast puhastamist kasutada talismanidena.
The Lion -Chapter 1-
Once upon a time, in a lush jungle, the Lion King was worried about the state of his kingdom. There was too much negativity and darkness lurking in every corner, making the animals feel sad and lost. So, he decided to summon a magical being to bring happiness and kindness to the jungle and the world beyond.
With a flick of his tail and a mighty roar, the Lion King called upon the Hop Hare, a mystical creature known for its ability to spread joy and laughter wherever it went. The Hop Hare appeared before the Lion King, its fur shimmering with a golden glow, and its eyes twinkling with mischief.
“O wise Lion King, I am here to fulfil your wish,” said the Hop Hare, bowing low. The Lion King explained his concerns and requested the Hop Hare to use its magic to create a potion that would spread happiness and kindness throughout the jungle and beyond. The Hop Hare accepted the challenge, and with a hop and a skip, it darted into the depths of the jungle to gather the ingredients.
First, it plucked a handful of Lion hair, which represented the strength and courage of the jungle’s ruler. Then, it searched for jasmine, the herb that symbolised resilience and determination, and the Ylang Ylang plant that embodied freshness and vitality.