Hop Hare lilleküünlad sisaldavad lisaks erilistele kuivatatud lilledele ka maagilisi väekristalle ja lõhnavad imeliselt. Hop Hare küünlad omavad tõelist looduse jõudu. Küünlad on pakitud erilistesse pakenditesse, mille peal on igale küünla lõhnale iseloomulik kahe peatükiline muinasjutt. Lase selle küünla lõhnal end viia tõelisse muinasjutumaale. Küünal on valmistatud sojavahast, naturaalse puidust tahiga ja lõhna annavad eeterlikud õlid. Sojavahast küünal on keskkonnasõbralik ja põleb 30%-50% kauem kui parafiinküünal. Küünla klaasist ümbrist saab pärast küünla ära põlemist taaskasutada ja kristalle saab pärast puhastamist kasutada talismanidena.
The Magician – Chapter 1-
Once upon a time, there was a great Magician who lived in a gothic tower and possessed the most extraordinary powers in all the land. He could create potions that could turn rocks into gold and brews that could make people disappear in a puff of smoke. His powers were so great that he was feared and respected by all.
One day, while the Magician was busy brewing a new potion, he accidentally spilt some of his magic ingredients on the floor. He didn’t think much of it at the time, but later that day, he noticed that his powers had started to fade. No longer could he create magical potions or cast spells with ease.
Desperate to regain his powers, the Magician searched high and low for a cure. He scoured ancient tomes and consulted with other magicians, but nothing seemed to work. He was starting to lose hope when he met Hop Hare.
Hop Hare was a small, furry creature with a keen sense of smell. He was known throughout the land for his ability to create the most beautiful scents using the herbs and plants that grew in the forest. When the Magician told Hop Hare about his problem, Hop Hare knew just what to do.